We're excited about our Fall Virtual Learning Series! The network continues the series approach by offering five, two-hour sessions each focused on a topic. We encourage participants to register for the series and mark your calendars for the below dates! Visit the Agenda-At-A-Glance for more details.

  • Accelerating the Evolution of Our Safety Work: Oct. 5 from 1-3 p.m. ET **CEOs and Top Pediatric Leaders are highly encouraged to attend this session**
  • Learning to Better Anticipate and Plan for Risks: Oct. 12 from 2-4 p.m. ET
  • Transforming Language, Transforming Culture: Oct. 24 from 1-3 p.m. ET
  • Learning from Work as Done: Nov. 2 from 1-3 p.m. ET
  • Building Upon Our Safety Foundation: Nov. 9 from 2-4 p.m. ET

Series Objectives

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Who Should Attend
All members of SPS hospitals are welcome to attend. SPS does not limit the number of attendees from each hospital. Each individual planning to attend (even those who may only attend one session) must register themselves. Below is a list of roles to consider attending from each hospital. Please note, CME is not offered for this learning series.

  • CEOs/Top Pediatric Leaders (strongly encouraged to attend the Oct. 5 session)
  • DEI/Safety Disparities Leaders
  • Ambulatory Leaders and staff focused on safety
  • Clinical Unit Staff/Safety Coaches
  • Employee/Staff Safety (ESS) Champions/Leaders
  • Hospital Acquired Condition (HAC) Champions/Leaders (especially those for CLABSI and UE)
  • Hospital Microsystem Leaders
  • Quality and Safety Leaders
  • Regional Champions and Culture SMEs
  • Patient and Family Partners

Share a Celebration Photo with SPS

SPS wants to celebrate you and your teams during our 2023 Fall Virtual Learning Series. Please submit this form to share an image of you and/or your safety team and include a brief description of the photo for context. Please limit your description to 1-3 sentences and feel free to include your “why” for your safety work or something you’re proud of and want to celebrate in your safety efforts. Submissions are due Oct. 12 and will be included in a slideshow shown at the end of the learning series.

Add the Event to Your Calendar

Once registered, navigate to the “Live Sessions” tab on the event site to select “Add to Calendar” for each session you wish to save to your Outlook, iCal, and/or Google calendars.

Customizing Your Schedule

Take a peek at the "Live Sessions" tab on the virtual event platform to see what's in store. Start planning your personalized itinerary by selecting sessions you plan to participate in by using the "My Itinerary" tab.

Launch a Session 

Each session opens 15 minutes prior to the start time. To access any session, click the "Live Sessions" tab and select the "Attend Session" button with the desired session.

System Compatibility Checker

Before attending the online conference, first click on the "System Checker" tab on the event page. This will ensure your system is compatible with the live broadcasting platform.

Get Social!
SPS is active on Twitter, Facebook, and just recently joined LinkedIn! Follow us for network updates and engage with us using #ShareSafety and #SPS4KidsNLS